Tuesday 29 November 2011

IP Justification

For my IP I shall be creating a dinosaur based comic with the art-style similar to Japanese poster prints. I can tell this will be successful through my research. I have seen that dinosaurs popularity will rise again soon due to the release of the new Spiderman film, the main antagonist is The Lizard.
There are also rumours circulating about a new Dino Crisis game and also rumours of a fourth Jurassic park film also bringing hype back for dinosaurs making them popular once more.

Japanese poster prints have been popular before and are now coming back into popular culture therefore it will be popular enough to put into a new IP so by combining the two topics of dinosaurs and Japanese Poster Prints I can create a comic that will feature two popular thopics.

Below is a revised IP idea

I have discovered from my research that dinosaurs have had a constant popularity throughout the discovery of their fossils. Originally we thought of them as mythical beast and creatures of fantasy this made popular news and stole the imagination of people everywhere. I discovered that the height of Dinosaurs popularity was during the fourty years from the 1960's onwards where Dinosaurs made thier cinema debut, it was here that monster movies began to grip the world Godzilla being the prime example of this. From then on Dinosaurs have been a constant theme throught popular culture from films such as Jurrasic Park and games such as Dino Crisis to TV shows like Barney, they'res plenty on the horizon aswell what with the new Godzilla film due for released in 2012 and the main villain in the new spiderman film being The Lizard.
What I have found from my research is that people still feel scared by the idea of dinosaurs and through their constant depictions as giant monsters draws me towards an IP where dinosaurs are a terrifying force that skulks in the dark, ever ominous and ever deadly this I feel would keep people interested and judging by how dinosaurs are being depicted in media in the future I feel this would be a good direction to be going in.

Through all my research i have discovered that Japenese Prints were Initially popular once they had been exported from Japan, they infuluenced some of the great western artists such as Vincent Van Gogh however, its popularity weigned and slowley started to fade out. After my research I have seen that Japanese Poster Prints, in its traditional form, shall not be continued in the future, however there is still evidence of the art style in aspiring artists, and existing artists work. I will probably try to incorporate my own style of Japanese poster print into my IP but have strong references to the original art form.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Dinosaurs: - Horizon

Dinosaurs have been consistently popular since they’re discovery, in books, films, television and comics, the idea of dinosaurs has been taken in many forms and modified to suit different needs an example of this could be the Lizard Man from the Spiderman comics he was a scientist who combined his DNA with a lizard.  This is strong for the future of dinosaurs as the Lizard is the main villain in the up and coming spiderman movie the lizard works as a stealthy killer who stalks his prey. This shows that dinosaurs have a futureahead of them.
Cover art to the Spiderman book 'Everyday Hero' by Daniel Qauntz and Todd  Dezago

The popularity of dinosaurs is still around and there is also a new Godzilla film to be released in 2012 which show’s that consumers are still very interested in dinosaurs and monster movies  they’re also rumours of a new dino crisis game being released.
This is concept art released by 'Legendary Pictures' at 'Comicon 2010' for the new Godzilla Movie
There have been many rumour's that there is to be a fourth Jurassic Park film and the rumours have been justified however there has been no set date for the film to be released as the producers haven't settled on a script as yet the film has been in development for some time. There have been many popular ideas for what will happen in the film the main theory behind it is that it will include genetically altered dinosaurs that have been trained to act as military operatives. 

Fan made poster for the in production film Jurassic Park 4  film
On the topic of Jurassic Park the original three films are to be released in the cinema again with the technological advancement in 3D. The films are to be released in 3D and shown in all cinemas in the near future this shows that there is still a market for dinosaur films. In my opinion I find that the addition of 3D is just a fad that is soon to die out however I believe that this will be successful for this particular film as it was a highly successful film in its own right.

This is a mock image for the original Jurassic Park film 1993
Scientists have been toying with the idea to clone dinosaurs for some time however after researching a variety of different sources I have found that it is impossible to bring back a living dinosaur, many scientists agree that the way that it was portrayed in Jurassic Park was a clever method it is impossible to actually clone them as the insect  inside the amber would be too young to have fed on the blood of a dinosaur and be to badly decomposed.  *'The short answer is no. the slightly longer answer is defiantly not.' 

The future seems very promising for dinosaurs as their popularity never truly faded, it is easy to say that they will be included in many different media forms in the future no matter how small a part they play they'll still be included in some way.

*Matt Ridley. (2000). Will We Clone A Dinosaur?. Available: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,996609,00.html. Last accessed 11th Dec 2011.

Japanese Poster Prints:- Horizons

After research what the future holds the the Japanese poster print style i have found that they're are currently many artists who use Japanese Poster Print as a base for their style for example the artist Keaton Henson uses a similar art style.

This image was created by artist 'mcbess'  for the 'nice/nice exhibition' in 2009

This illustration is from 'Keaton Hensons' art book 'Gloaming'

Because of the way the art style keeps being used and re-used in modern media I believe that Japanese Poster Prints will still be used, not directly but subtly in artists own interpretations.
After continuing my research i have discovered that thier is no evidence of Japanese having a future in media in it traditional for, however it will still live on in other atists work. It is unfortunate that the traditional style is dying out, this is mostly due to computers modernizing the way media is produced for example a poster that would be displayed for a cinema would be created in a program like Adobe Photoshop rather than the more traditionall forms of art such as the Japanese Poster Prints.

The Television program Adventure time could also be linked in with the lose base in Japanese Poster Prints as the illustrations resemble mcbess’ artwork, the program has been extremely successful since its release in 2010. The art does have some resemblances to Japanese poster prints as the images are very simple and in bold block colours whereas some of the background images have more detail. I think that this is how this  art style will continue, not in its own way but through other means whilst still staying common in media.
This is a promotion poster for the television program called 'Adventure time' created by  Pendleton ward in 2010
The three different links above all have similarities which shows that there is a market for this art style, all of the characters have longer limbs and thin bodies, most of these art forms are also being transffered into animation aswell as just the hand drawn images. Both Adventure time and Mcbess have transfered theyre art styles into animations.
This is the video intro for the program Adventure Time iploaded by cartoon network in 2010

This second Video is by the artist McBess and is titled woods.

This is the video for the song "wood" by artist mcbess uploaded in 2009